Snowflake Ice Cream Shoppe
1148 West Main Street (Route 25), Riverhead, NY 11901
Closed until Wednesday January 22. Then, open every day from 10 AM to 9 PM.
Our Photo Gallery
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Serving Gronk.
...and her little dog.
Worth The Trip.
When in the neighborhood...
Caramel Princess
Took us 7 years to make her flavor and we went through 9 tubs in the first day. We're not too smart.
Rapid Shutter Photography
Taking the Cone family portrait.
Gone fishin'
Ho, Ho, Ho.
The Queen.
How did they get here?
Bird's-Eye View
Why be normal?
Supersize it!
Let It Rain
Snowflake Curling Team
Well Dressed Pooch.
Stu Feldschuh, Carolyn Feldschuh, Joan Kunitz, Herb Kunitz
When we're not at Snowflake:
Max gigging with Bakithi Kumalo.
Worth The Trip
Briermere Farms
Where we get our peaches.
Hey Kids! What Time Is It?
Snowflake time.
Dylan Laube. Congratulations on making it to the NFL!
Worth The Trip.
Worth The Trip.
Messy eater.
Jimmy Fallon
Doing Funcho's/Snowflake.
First Place Winner!
DJ the day after winning Garlic Eating contest at LI Garlic Festival.
Worth The Trip.
Let it snow. Let it snow.
Let it Snowflake.